About & Contact

Sheldon K. Goodman

Cemetery Club is run by Sheldon K. Goodman: a public historian, heritage professional, author and qualified tour guide.

Sheldon has been researching all things cemetery for over a decade. Seeing them as Museums of People, he seeks to reveal forgotten lives and histories in an engaging and respectful way. Visiting cemeteries, finding out about those who lie beneath, resurrecting social history through blogs and social media.

Sheldon has worked with the National Archives, the BBC and the The Royal Parks to deliver talks, contextualising contentious histories, events and tours. His first book, An Opinionated Guide to Historic London, was published in September 2023 by Hoxton Mini Press.

Cemetery Club operates a little like The Style Council – occasionally, Sheldon is joined from friends in the arts and heritage worlds to bring the dead, for want of a better term, back to life.

Wat to know more or work with him? Get in touch.

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